Sponsor a Child

Your donation will help us provide food, shelter, education, and healthcare to children in need.

Samuel Orya

Samuel Orya

Age: 20

James John

James John

Age: 17

Emmanuel Moses

Emmanuel Moses

Age: 13

Hassanah Micah

Hassanah Micah

Age: 13

Ngodoo Kyeleve

Ngodoo Kyeleve

Age: 15

Patricia John

Patricia John

Age: 21

Doosugh Abuu

Doosugh Abuu

Age: 13

Jospeh Bawa

Jospeh Bawa

Age: 16

Emmanuel William

Emmanuel William

Age: 14

Christiana Benjamin

Christiana Benjamin

Age: 13

Happiness Kelvin

Happiness Kelvin

Age: 14

Evelyn Igbaster

Evelyn Igbaster

Age: 13

Sebastian Junior

Sebastian Junior

Age: 13

Nelly Gbaji

Nelly Gbaji

Age: 21

Ukoryol Hembadoon

Ukoryol Hembadoon

Age: 14

Dooshema Daunis

Dooshema Daunis

Age: 12

Gloria Samuel

Gloria Samuel

Age: 12

Mary Samuel

Mary Samuel

Age: 19

Yunana Samuel

Yunana Samuel

Age: 17

Mercy Samuel

Mercy Samuel

Age: 11

Christiana Bako

Christiana Bako

Age: 11



Age: 19



Age: 3

Why Sponsor a Child?

Your donation will help us provide food, shelter, education, and healthcare to children in need. We believe that every child deserves a chance to live a healthy and happy life. By sponsoring a child, you can make a real difference in the life of a child in need.

Harrow Grace Foundation is committed to integrity. Accountability is a commitment and a value that drives our ministry.

Read our statement of financial integrity

Bank Accounts


Account Name: Harrow Grace Foundation

EcoBank (NGN) Account Number: 1623256785

United Kingdom

Account Name: Harrow Grace Foundation

Lloyds Bank (GBP)
Account No: 65863668 / Sort Code: 30-84-76.

Got Questions?

If you have any questions about sponsoring a child, please feel free to contact us. We are here to help.